My Dream Wedding SpokesCouple: Wedding Photoshoot Feat. Mynte Fingers Bridal Nails (Updated regarding Photoshoot at Pasarbella)
Hello Readers~! This is our last and FINAL updates on our…. My Dream Wedding SpokesCouple: Wedding Photoshoot Feat. Mynte Fingers Bridal Nails! As most of my faithful readers would have known, Mynte Fingers is my Official Nail Sponsor for Casperlyn Wedding. Mynt have been helping me with all my nails, from Hen’s Party, Wedding Day and Wedding Photoshoot. Thanks to Mynt for the wonderful experience in making Bridal Nails for Bride-to-be a hassle-free process. Now is time to soak off my wedding day nails. Let’s scrub off the Manicure designs we did previously. Time to paint the top coat. Time for the SUPER FAST LED Light Machine. p/s Do not…
My Dream Wedding SpokesCouple: Wedding Photoshoot (Behind The Scenes)
Hello Readers~! I am so glad to be sharing with you today about my shoot with My Dream Wedding! You all would be interested with the names of people who made this all possible. So let me made you read below to see the awesome people behind this. First to introduce is the CASPERLYN. The bride and the groom which is the spokescouple is obviously the most important person. Anyway just joking we are not that ego afterall. Honey! Look, you are on makeup! This is taken in the morning without any single trace of make up. We reported at about 10am in the morning which is so late! This…
My Dream Wedding SpokesCouple: Gown Selection & Dress Fitting
Dear Readers, Hello! Hopefully your good friday weekend has been treating you good. I am very honoured to share with you about my trip to My Dream Wedding Outlet @ Tuas Street. For those that are quite new to my blog, you can check out my older post about this contest we have won in January. http://gerzworld.com/search/label/Spokescouple We have won the title of spokescouple by having the most number of likes on our wedding photo. So during March which is our wedding month, Alex from My Dream Wedding called us to go down for a communication with the photographer session and also a gown selection process. I was very looking forward to…
Ger’z Shares: FACE SG Indoor Family Photoshoot Review
Ger’z Shares; Ger’z Care *Advertorial* Hello Readers! If you guys know, Ger’z Family have been invited for a photoshoot with Face SG. Woohoo! This is such an awesome gift especially my Grandparents actually flew over to SG from Australia for my Casperlyn Wedding. So this gift from Face SG is so timely. This is their studio. It is somewhere near KK Hospital and Rex Cinema. So today I will be sharing some of the behind the scenes photos and offers to you all! So keep on reading!! Let me give a slight introduce to the package we have been offered. If you quote “Ger’z World or A000522″ you get additional 5 photos FREE for…
Church Wedding Photoshoot (DIY) – Review for Freelance Makeup Artist Meiling
Hello Readers, As a promise to Meiling, i will write a review for her.. :) Lets show some picture while i share… And if u wanna engage her as ur MUA(make up artist), feel free to get her contacts from me via email (gerlyn_wqh@hotmail.com) For this post, I will mention 3 of my favourite Make Up artist.1) Meiling – Freelancer (doing it for passion)2) Joyce – MUA from Taiwan Photoshoot Lishe. Read up her post her : http://gerzworld.com/?p=703) Fanny – Freelance MUA engaged via my singapore bridal studio (highly recommended by me!) I have all their contacts so you can just email me if you want to engage any of them.…
Church Wedding Photoshoot (DO-IT-YOURSELF) – Behind the CURTAINS :)
Hello readers … this is a fun fun fun post.. so ya, is about the fun we had at the photoshoot organise by me & wenxi :) So.. Let me introduce to you my CREW~! :) First we have… Yang Hui :) My dearest kiko dearrrrr… :) She is the camera assistant and sometimes helping to take some photos here and there… :) She is great… She have lots of good ideas too :)I dunno what to say, but she know i love her alot.. ^^ This is my dearest Sa Meimei :) <3 Love her alot too :) Too bad kelin cant be around.. Anyway, she is a gifted…
Church Wedding Photoshoot (DO-IT-YOURSELF) – Giftflorist2000 Review
Hello Readersss… sorry for keep you guys waiting for so long.. recently i have changed job and it have been really busy.. haha.. so anyway…. Let me update what I HAVE BEEN DOING ALL THESE WHILE!! So, the crazy bride & groom, decided to have a CHURCH PHOTOSHOOT! Woohoo! So we asked people to help out and yup… We approached photographer like Nicholas from Moments photography but that they he was packed with a malaysian girl, weiwei.. Well, you can look at Moments FB page to get more info.. Then we asked francis and he was busy … So we asked Sa!!! And immediately she is willing to offer her…