Church Wedding Photoshoot (DIY) – Review for Freelance Makeup Artist Meiling
Hello Readers,
For this post, I will mention 3 of my favourite Make Up artist.
1) Meiling – Freelancer (doing it for passion)
2) Joyce – MUA from Taiwan Photoshoot Lishe. Read up her post her : http://gerzworld.com/?p=70
3) Fanny – Freelance MUA engaged via my singapore bridal studio (highly recommended by me!)
I have all their contacts so you can just email me if you want to engage any of them.
Background story:
So my MUA(makeup artist) Meiling is from my Church fellowship cellgroup.. She is an ad-hoc/free lance make up artist and she have many years of experience. Most probably more than 5years?
She learnt her skill of hairstyling from KIMAGE. Although she did not mentioned where she learnt her makeup from but her skills are pretty awesome. MOST Importantly she is very patient with me…. She is very different from other makeup artist. She is exceptionally friendly and jovial.
Note: Always find a friendly make up artist at least you can chit-chat with her. Don’t expect your groom to chit chat with you.
For Fanny, our topic is on Taiwan Idol Drama.
For Joyce, we talk about Singapore vs Taiwan cultural difference.
For Meiling, we talk about Make up tips and also shared about jokes.
Things Meiling does for me:
1) She plucks eyebrow one by one… Usually makeup artist like fanny or joyce, they will just SHAVE it off for a quickie.
2) For the hair, she do small pieces by small pieces so the curl is very beautiful.
3) She charge us at a friendly price for 3 set of clothes.
So i get to change hairstyle for 3 time. But due to time constraint, i only manage to do 2. As we started off late and the sun is setting plus the school has not much lighting.
Note: Always start off Make up at 8am. That is what I usually went through with both Fanny & Joyce.
This is the set of make up palette that she is using. Most of them are from Faceshop. She seems like a Faceshop fan. And her make up is quite Korean style – natural , simple and sweet. I don’t really like HEAVY makeup. Seriously, who does?
So you see she pluck my eyebrow one by one because i am scared of pain… haha!
And see, 1 side plucked and the other side unplucked. So a nice eyebrow design make a difference right??
Kiko look really carefully and closely on how to be a make up artist.
Meiling now doing some make up for Mr Casper. He seems really happy to be on the makeup. The reason i like him because he always seems happy with whatever we do to him. As you can see, Mei ling really goes to the details.
I think this is taken by Sa. Look at the hello kittys on the table. They are from Taiwan ^^
This is Pastor Mingyao’s daughter, very cute right? She seems so fansinated with the make up and everything. I bet she will grow up to be a pretty bride someday. :)
So a shot before i go do my hair. :) With my fave boy. <3
So meiling is combing thru my hair to make sure it is TANGLE-FREE :) She is a perfectionist so rest assure that your hair will be in GOOD HANDS!
The curl is pretty right? I think is very classy, princess-liked. :)
This is the Iron Rod that she used to curl my hair. She is very skillful with that.
Here we goes on with the veil.. The veil is bought in Msia KSL it is just RM$39!
A last shot with me and meiling before we set off!! :)
Look at my make up after the shoot. :)
This is outside the office of Paster Wang ping :) Nice place for a few shots right?
And this is a shot with my wedding bear :) Also bought from malaysia :)
So u can see that meiling is zig-zag ling my hair :) Actually she is volumnizing my hair..
It totally suits my dress so much.. <3
It is very important to keep talking to your Make up artist. Because through conversation, they will know your personality better and understand what kind of make up suits you better and what accessories is better for you.
So this is a mini sneak preview. In the middle is the minions singing I SWEAR (Underwear)

Hi Gerlyn, may I know where you get your wedding gown?
Hi Lovaine, I got it at Holiday Plaza @ Jb :)