About Us


Ger’z World team of Bloggers consist of Me (Gerlyn), my hubby (Boon Hee) you can invite us to blog about your products or events. However we do reserve the rights to reject blogging if your events or products is *no good.

*No Good: How we define it? We also don’t know but we will give you an explanation when time comes.


Short introduction on the bloggers


Bio Data: Gerlyn, 23years old, Petite, married in 2014.
Loves: Water sports, travelling and going theme parks and love taking selfies.
Blogging style: Picture blog, one picture one sentence. Prefers blogging in Singlish with a lot of emotions icons.

Active in Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Currently busy hosting new Youtube channel with Casper.

Guest blogger

Bio Data: Casper, 35years old, Sporty, Married to Gerlyn in 2014.
Loves: Hill-climbing, marathon running, seeking thrills.
Blogging Style: Very slow in writing blog because busy uploading photos for Gerlyn. Very good in catching angles for take picture. Responsible for all the pictures in blog.

Currently busy with upcoming Youtube channel.

Ger'z Shares

If you want to work with us, feel free to email us at gerzworld@gmail.com

find us on fb

Alternatively, you could also contact us thru Facebook.



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