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Ger’z Shares: DA Hairdressing (Perm & Rebond)


Hello Readers,
Today I am gonna share with you my trip to my hair sponsor DA Hairdressing.
All along I knew my hair was a disaster. The color, the rebond and the perm that I did since I was 14years old was a great damage to my precious hair.
Since 2008, I did rebonding twice in a year and I permed my hair in year 2011 too. Started coloring my hair in 2012 and in 2013.
Obviously, my hair would have long lost all it’s nutrients and suffered from a lot of natural breakage.
Luckily there is no signs of hair loss.
So let’s see how DA Hairdressing performs a MIRACLE on my hair.
DA Hairdressing Boss, Dave did a hair cut for me personally. What I liked most about DA Hairdressing is the kind of hard working spirit by Mr Dave. I have went down for maybe 6 times and all 6 times I seen Mr Dave himself cutting other customers hair. I am so impressed by this kind of spirit. 亲力亲为 spirit. Even when you are the boss, you continue improving your skills and giving the best to your customer.
You can see that Boss Dave took pride in his work and he enjoy what he is doing.
We are discussing whether what should we do to make the hair more smooth & manageable.
Since I am going to be their long-term ambassador, we have all the time to do all kinds of style & settings.
Therefore Boss Dave suggested that we should do Digital Perm to give me a more feminine look.
We started off by cutting the split ends and also some layering. So it gives my hair some volume.
After the cut, Dave handover the mission to one of the TOP Hairstylist from Shanghai, Asako.
She then applied Keratin Treatment to my hair to protect my hair from the heat treatment in Digital Perm.
Before the Keratin Treatment is applied to my hair, my hair condition is like -2/10.
After the treatment it is time for Rebonding.
The rebonding that I am gonna enjoy today is Japanese Silk Rebonding.
Unlike the Rebonding I did previously, it gives me a natural and shiney touch to the upper top of my hair.
It made my hair looked so naturally that no one will notice that you have rebond your hair but your hair just turn out so pretty.
The rebonding takes less than an hour to complete.
And this is why I love DA Hairdressing so much.
Their service is always so fast and excellent. Especially in Singapore where time is money, we do not have the time to spend 5hrs just to wait for our hair to be rebonded.
Next up, we will start digital perm. Unlike traditional chemical perm, digital perm used a different machine from Japan.
This machine is very expensive so this explains the cost behind digital perm.
The plus factor for digital perm is that it can create long lasting natural curls.
Even though I have done rebonding last year, the curl sets nicely on my hair.
You can also see that how thoughtful and attentive the stylist were. They used towel to prevent the heat from the curler to scald me.
Afterwhich the curl is done, they applied treatment cream to prevent damage hair.
A MIRACLE HAPPENED! Gerlyn has transformed into a pretty young lady.
I was amazed on how curly hair actually looked nice on me. It boost my confidence by x100!
Without applying anything like hair spray, my hair was so naturally nice after a blow dry!
It is tangle-free, so smooth and manageable. Can’t believe I actually can comb through my hair without a single tangle.
All thanks to Asako for the nice curls. Especially the curls are so natural.
Dave also gave me a free bottle of lotion for me to apply at the ends of my hair.
I used it before I blow dry as we all know that blowing dry our hair is quite damaging.
This is how I look in the morning everyday! Amazing isn’t it? #goodhairday #everyday
DA Hairdressing gave me the courage the Perm AGAIN. Fyi, i had a really disastrous perm in 2011 which made me look very auntie and the hair tangles everytime when i shampoo. But in 2014, i tried DA’s digital perm and it was soft & silky and a shine touch was given to my hair.
So what are you waiting for?
Book your appointment with DA Hairdressing now!
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