Ger’z Shares: Hen’s Night Nails by Mynte Fingers
Hello Readers,
Have you all heard all Hen’s Night? I didn’t too. I am totally clueless about Hen’s Night until one day my bestie, yh called me & book me for Hen’s Night. Till then I started to research about Hen’s and everything about Hen’s :)
It is like a Bachelor Party for the Ladies. So another name for Hen’s Night is Bachelorette Party. Well, it is too hard to pronounce or maybe it’s just me. Haha!
Glancing through post from Qiuqiu.sg I thought of having my nails done for Hen’s Night too. So I wrote in to Mynte Fingers to ask if she would like to sponsor Ger’z Night! Haha! Hope I am not too impetuous. I just wrote in to Mynt and hope for a favourable reply from her because I doubt a small blogger like me could get any sponsorship.
But to my amaze, Mynt actually agreed to sponsor my nails! I was delighted when I receive this news!
So Mynte Fingers is going to sponsor 3 gelish nail design for my 3 important days.
1) Ger’z Night aka Hen’s Night
2) Casperlyn Wedding
3) My Dream Wedding Spokescouple Photoshoot
I was so glad to be able to work with Mynt. I always liked the idea of a home salon. I felt personal and it has lots of privacy, it is comfy, it is like a second home and I liked the homely feeling. I never been to any home salon before so I did not know what to expect.
P/s I even entered the wrong room. Lols.
So before I make an appointment with Mynt, I show her an picture of my nails. It is very important that your nails is long enough because nail arts will be best displayed in nails that are long enough. Secondly, Mynte Fingers does not offer nail extension service so please protect your nails and keep them long enough first. :)
Mynt also took the initiative to ask me about my favourite cartoon and favourite colors and all my little preference. This make the whole service very personal. So I told Mynt that I love Rilakkuma & Little Twin Stars and I love rainbow, multi-colors too. I also mentioned to Mynt that I prefer Gelish Nails because I am a very rowdy girl not demure or gentle at all. So usually painted nails can only last 1 day and it’s all gone. Whereas gelish nails give me the comfort to all whatever I like such as unzipping my bag x100000 times and the nailart is still intact! How amazing right? So Gelish nail for the win!
So on the day of meet-up with Mynt @ her Home-based Salon at Yishun.
First she remove the cuticles at the side of my nails. And we started with the base coat.
Afterwhich, she shows me her drawing of my potential nail art design. I was in love with her drawings. Especially the Little Twin stars at the 2 thumbs. It is really a thumbs up!
One thing I like about her nail service is that is it very fast. The LED light totally speed up the entire process.
p/s Casper did not have to wait that long too.
So here is my pretty nails.. ALL READY TO SWAG my bridesmaid on my Hen’s Night!
I am totally in love with the Little Twin Star. I love the blue colour that Mynt used.
I am so amazed by the result of this Pastel theme Little Twin Star Nailart. It is so AWESOME~! Especially my nails are so colourful and it totally fits my Wedding Theme of Rainbow.
Anyway, thanks Mynt for the awesome sponsorship and I am so glad to share such a great nail service @ Ger’z Shares to all of you!
Mynte Fingers Rate are consider very affordable and she is always doing Promotion.
So what are you waiting for?
Check out Mynte Fingers Facebook Page & Blog now~!